Friday, September 10, 2010

Honey Harvest

We harvested honey at the beginning of the month. Yes, there's a bee hive in the back yard. We used to have 2, but one group was either killed or it swarmed and the bees ran away!

I just thought this was interesting...

I know this is a butterfly. Bees tend to move pretty quickly, and I'm unable to get them to pose for me.

Align Center

The smoker helps to calm the bees.

(If you double click on this picture you can see there are LOTS of bees in the hive.)

The beeswax caps are cut off the cells with a hot knife so the honey can be removed.

The frames are loaded into racks that are spun inside a cylinder. Centrifugal force causes the honey to be flung out of the honeycombs.

It's interesting- the types of visual aids one might happen to find in one's camera if said camera is left and others happen to pick it up and "assist" in the "educational" photography.

Uh-huh. Finger puppets can be SO useful.


  1. um. . . Someone could catch a bee with the camera. It may have been a finger puppet bee, but it's still a bee.

  2. Marie, did you do that?

  3. We now wait for one or two qualified articles and recipes which tell us how to employ the healing power of honey.

  4. This is so cool! Not that I love bees or anything but I do appreciate when someone ELSE does it.

  5. A finger puppet bee is not a real bee- they don't move the same. The finger puppet is bigger and slower.
    Two? We'll see what I can do.
    It is pretty neat...

  6. Is your honey for sale? I LOVE fresh honey.

    Patsy might need an epipen just reading this post. :)

  7. I don't know- I'd have to ask!
    Mom is actually allergic to honey bees... but she still likes them.

  8. Um, you forgot to call us.
